Base Materials boosts subsea buoyancy options
Image courtesy Base Materials
Designed to extend the service life and optimise the return on investment of old, damaged and worn buoyancy modules, while reducing waste to landfill, the new service will be provided from Base Materials’ 10,000 square feet state-of-the-art production facility in Birmingham, UK.
The service comprises a full inspection of the buoyancy module to review the material core, damage, breakage or corrosion of metallic inserts, weight in air and weight in water calibrated testing, and a dimensional laser scan. Base Materials can provide a range of services to ensure the modules meet original specifications and operational industry-recognised standards. These include the repair of any scuffs, cracks, splits and chips and the replacement of missing sections or damaged inserts, in addition to the painting and recoating of a protective skin to improve module longevity for abrasion and impact resistance.
Speaking about the launch of the new service, John Miller, Managing Director of Base Materials, said: “The need to maximise service life is as critical across the subsea buoyancy sector, as it is any other and this also presents the opportunity to support our customers’ environmental objectives.
“For many ROV owners and operators, purchasing a new set of buoyancy modules for an existing vehicle needn’t be the only option. Which is why we’re delighted to provide an alternative solution that enables them to give their existing modules a second life and reduce waste to landfill.”